Trans-Eurasia Journey Home

Chronicles of Craig and Mary's journey from South Korea, through China, Mongolia, Siberia/Russia, Europe and back home to Fort Erie, Canada.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Far East Hostel

Our ferry docked around 3pm China time, and we took a quick run through customs once again. We were first off the ferry - I think they wanted us out of the way with our big packs (along with all the other occidentals). In short order we shuffled to a bus heading to Beijing (supposedly 2 hours). The bus left one hour later and arrived in Beijing 3 hours after that. We were crammed like sardines in this bus and I'm sure my neck sustained some kind of injury while trying to sleep.

This way to Far East Hostel

So we arrived in Beijing, still with Steve and Rachel (actually they helped us out a lot with some Chinese yuan which we didn't manage to get in Korea - Thanks so much!). The four of us headed to the Far East Hostel based on it's description in the Lonely Planet. Well that description really doesn't do it justice. This place is gorgeous; better than any hotel we stayed at in Thailand and only 60 yuan to boot! ($10 CAD/day). It's very clean, has a great breakfast buffet, new beds, lockers, and excellent English speaking staff. Plus, it looks very nice with Asian style decor.

UPDATE: Here's a link to Steve and Rachel's travel blog.

Our Bunks

We settled in a bit, then the four of us headed out for some late night food. The hostel is in the midst of a hutong (an alley way of old storehouses) which breathes an authentic old-town Chinese atmosphere. Strolling down the alley brought calls of 'hello!' by many on passenger bikes wishing to cycle us to our destination (for a charge of course). We made our way to a small restaurant and ordered some food. A cashew and chicken dish for myself was excellent; Mary had chicken with bamboo sprouts with a delicious sauce.

We tried to walk around Tiananmen square, but it was roped off and guarded so we headed home to sleep; saving those sights for the next day.


Blogger clara* said...

it sounds AWESOME!

hurry and get some pics up. i'd be lying if i said i was sick of the toronto skyline (breathtaking) but i sure could use some exotic new locales to fantasize about.

12:50 AM GMT+9  

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